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Gas Furnaces – Reliable, Economical, and Efficient

We offer the full line of the consumer-recommended Bryant gas furnaces and furnace systems. If you use gas for heating your home, trust Stan’s to recommend the best furnace model for your needs. Or if you’re looking to switch to gas from another fuel source, we also offer oil-to-gas installations.

For the perfect combination of gas heat and cost-saving energy efficiency, take a look at our line of all-star gas furnaces that are sure to keep you and your family warm for years to come.

Bryant Evolution Plus Gas Furnace (987M) in Ottawa, ON, for ultra-efficient, comfortable heating.

Bryant Evolution Plus Gas Furnace (987M)
Unprecedented Comfort and Efficiency From Bryant

Pamper yourself with exceptional comfort and consistent temperature control. For the ultimate in quiet efficiency, the Model 987M warms your winters with up to 98.3% AFUE efficiency. You’ll also experience the additional benefit of summertime humidity control through variable speed airflow.

  • Manage your utility costs with high-efficiency comfort: up to 98.3% AFUE
  • Enjoy the ultra-quiet performance and even-temperature comfort of variable speed air delivery
  • Precise gas modulation always delivers the right amount of heat for the greatest energy efficiency
  • Perfect Heat™ technology means consistent comfort by adjusting system operation to changing conditions
  • Perfect Humidity™ technology removes more moisture than a standard furnace during cooling operation (when installed with a matched air conditioner or heat pump)
  • Fan On Plus™ technology lets you choose between four speeds of continuous fan operation with a compatible control
  • Fully insulated cabinet for quieter operation
  • External filter cabinet makes filter changes easier
  • Lifetime limited warranty on heat exchanger upon timely registration1
  • 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration upon timely registration2

Bryant Preferred™ Gas Furnace (926T) in Ottawa, ON, provides reliable, cost-effective heating.

Bryant Preferred™ Gas Furnace (926T)

Your Home, Your Refuge Relax, and enjoy your winter refuge with exceptional comfort and savings. The variable-speed Model 926T delivers extra-consistent airflow and significantly reduced hot and cold spots. All of these furnaces offer enhanced summer humidity control capabilities as well, so no matter which one you choose, it can be the focal point for year-round comfort.

  • Experience exceptional heating efficiency: up to 96.5% AFUE
  • Enjoy the quiet performance and even-temperature comfort of variable speed air delivery. It’s a great choice for improving cooling efficiency, or SEER, and summertime humidity control
  • Two-stage operation allows longer, more consistent heating cycles on low stage for efficiency and comfort
  • Perfect Heat™ technology means consistent comfort by adjusting system operation to changing conditions
  • Fan On Plus™ technology lets you choose the speed of continuous fan operation with a compatible control
  • Insulated cabinet for quieter operation
  • Lifetime limited warranty on heat exchanger upon timely registration1
  • 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration upon timely registration2

Bryant Preferred™ Gas Furnace (925S) in Ottawa, ON, offers reliable, energy-efficient heating.

Bryant Preferred™ Series Gas Furnace (925S)
High Efficiency Meets Durability and Value

Quality, durability, and comfort. That’s the Bryant legacy, and that’s what you get with our Legacy Line products. Our most energy-efficient model within this line,, the model 915S achieves up to an impressive 96.5% AFUE heating. With that kind of number, it’s easy to see why we say Bryant does “Whatever it Takes™” to earn your trust.

  • Stay comfortable with efficient heating all winter long: Up to 96.5%
  • PerfectLight™ hot surface igniter eliminates gas-wasting pilot light
  • Perfect Humidity® technology removes more moisture than a standard furnace during cooling operation (when installed with a matched air conditioner or heat pump)
  • Insulated cabinet for quieter operation
  • Lifetime limited warranty on heat exchanger1
  • 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration2

Bryant Evolution Gas Furnace (986T) in Ottawa, ON, delivers comfort with energy-saving features.

Bryant Evolution Gas Furnace (986T)
Exceptional Efficiency and Cozy Comfort

Choose the Model 986T with Perfect Heat® technology and up to 96.7% AFUE efficiency. It’s the perfect way to indulge your senses in consistently warm and impeccably controlled comfort all winter long. As a part of your year-round comfort system, this variable speed furnace also provides welcome relief from hot, sticky summer humidity.

  • Manage your utility costs with high-efficiency comfort: up to 96.7% AFUE
  • Enjoy the ultra-quiet performance and even-temperature comfort of variable speed air delivery
  • Two-stage operation allows longer, more consistent heating cycles on low stage for savings and comfort
  • Perfect Heat™ technology means consistent comfort by adjusting system operation to changing conditions
  • Perfect Humidity™ technology removes more moisture than a standard furnace during cooling operation (when installed with a matched air conditioner or heat pump)
  • Fan On Plus™ technology lets you choose between four speeds of continuous fan operation with a compatible control
  • Insulated cabinet for quieter operation
  • External filter cabinet makes filter changes easier
  • Lifetime limited warranty on heat exchanger upon timely registration1
  • 10-year parts limited warranty upon registration upon timely registration2

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